
June 3rd and 4th


June 8th

Gland (Geneva)

June 12th

Alejo de los Reyes returns to Europe after three years to introduce his newest album. Until 2019 he made 11 tours trough Europe, spanning more than 10 countries. After the COVID crisis, a pause became mandatory. In the mean time, the belgian label Passacaille released his album “Al compás de la vihuela”.

His concert at Moulin en Clarens, near from Geneva, will be very special and long-awaited, as the album was recorded there in two sessions (2017 and 2019) by the eminent sound engineer Jean-Daniel Noir, with the production of Jean-Jacques Bieri, and the valuable assessment of Michel Kiener and Luc Breton (who generously provided the three guitars used in the recording, one of them made by himself, another by a disciple of him, and a third one, an instrument that he restored, made in the late 19th century in Spain). This tour also will have him on Berlin and in Lugano, Switzerland, for the first time.

“Al compás de la vihuela” has 22 tracks including argentinean traditional music, argentinean tango, and renaissance music, everything played in guitars built at the late 18th century’s style. It features Alejo’s latest arrangements for solo guitar on argentinean music, as well as original compositions from Atahualpa Yupanqui, Abel Fleury, Luys de Narváez and many others

Current Month

June 2022

03jun8:00 pmSpiegelsalon (Berlin)Solo guitar concert

04jun8:00 pmWOYY zuhause (Berlin)Solo guitar concert

08jun8:00 pmPalazzo Riva (Lugano)Solo guitar concert

12jun6:00 pmMoulin En Clarens (Vich, Switzerland)Al compás de la Vihuela // Album release concert

Para Silbar (2024)

Members of Quinteto De los Reyes over a typical street on Buenos Aires

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